Monday, 24 June 2019


         Memrise is an application for learning foreign languages. Memrise provides various languages ​​such as English, German, French, Portuguese, Mandarin, Korean and so on. After that, we will be invited to learn new words. The system in this application stimulates our brain to learn 44 words per hour.
            The lessons of foreign languages ​​from Memrise are quite unique. We will be invited to study through native speakers and games. In addition, we can also try various features, such as Visual Learning, Review & Strengthen, Rapid Recall and others. Its function is that we don't forget the words that have been studied. There is also a Difficult Word feature for those who want to challenge their abilities even further. We can also try the Listening Skill feature to help learn how to pronounce a word from a particular language while sharpening hearing.
         Apart from helping to understand words per word, this application that can be downloaded free by iOs and Android users also helps us learn the use of words in sentences. We can learn to converse with that language. Plus, our competitive spirit will be honed, because this application allows us to pit high score results with friends. This application is very suitable for use in the learning process to give a new nuance that is fun for students.

You can visit the YouTube channel of Memrise : 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nuril,
    I have checked all of your tasks and those are really great. For this blog, you have put some new insightful information which can be beneficial for any readers. Keep your good work.

    Your sweet lecturer,
    Ms Alda :)



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